Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Plans this Summer

In about three more weeks, I’ll be quitting my current job. Soon after, I will begin to travel moneyless with some friends around the United States. This has seemed absolutely crazy to many people that I have told, even to myself! 

So why would I choose to change my entire lifestyle to undergo this journey? While I've thought about economic or environmental reasons, the main motivation has been of following spiritual guidance. Lately my life has been revolving around following this guidance first, and then learning more later!

Only in November did I even begin to conceive of this notion, but I thought that it wasn't for me. A couple months later, I began planning for this adventure. This quick change was brought about mainly because of observed synchronicities that are everywhere. I know that spiritually, this will be a major transformation for me, and that it is a part of my purpose.

It was in November that Summer Fields friended me on Facebook, after seeing her and her friend for the first time at a festival at Indiana Buddhist Temple. We hadn't even exchanged any words then. So upon seeing the name, I was in complete shock! Could I really have just crossed paths with someone whose full name is basically my last name? I stared at the screen for a very long time, wondering what this could mean. Everything happens for a reason as I've come to learn. Now I'm only beginning to understand why I met Summer Fields and her friend CJ.

A few days later, at the temple's meditation night, I met Summer and CJ face-to-face. That day I learned about some of their nomadic adventures and was very intrigued. It appeared that they had gained some insight into life through their travels, which I hoped to learn one day. But I knew that it was not time for this yet, for my purpose was still in Fort Wayne.

The winter was wrought with several massive snowstorms. One weekend in January, I feared that I wouldn't make it to work in the midst of a blizzard. If I missed one more day, I would be fired. I began pondering where to search for another job, just in case. But the still, small voice whispered to me that I’m not meant to start another job yet. What? Am I going crazy? I asked again and again, with the same response. So finally I gave in and just entertained the thought. I asked myself, “If I have no money, then what will I do?” Images of people living off the grid surfaced in my mind, and I decided to research more into the topic. All of a sudden I remembered CJ, who had just returned solo to Fort Wayne. “He might know something about this.” So I sent him a message.

Soon CJ responded with some links about the topic of which I was asking, along with Daniel Suelo’s website, Living Without Money. I determined that living off-the-grid would probably be more possible in the distant future; I didn't have enough money to embark on such a project. Rather, reading about a moneyless route on Daniel’s page made more sense to me.

I was consumed by doubt and fear, but I saw signs everywhere assuring me that this was the best path for me to take at the time. Finally I made the decision to go to Moab, where Daniel lives, whenever Spirit indicated that it was time to leave.

The rest of the day continued as it normally did. I went to work at the assisted living community, interacted and conducted activities with the residents, and then drove home. But the drive back was anything but the ordinary routine. As I turned into my neighborhood, I saw two backpackers walking in the direction of my house. As I slowly passed them, they fixed their gazes with mine and we smiled at each other. It was as if we had just shared a common understanding. I felt a strong desire to talk with them, but I was to pick up my friend Michele in a few minutes and go to meditation night. As I got out of the car at home to quickly run in and change out of my work uniform, the men walked past. I watched until they disappeared from sight. Minutes later I was leaving for Michele's place. I passed a church on the way who recently changed their marquee in the spirit of the new year:  “Best Resolution:  Walk Daily with God.” These two signs were the final confirmation I needed. Now there was no more doubt.

As I write this, it appears that I will be quitting my job in April. I feel completely anxious, but I understand that this period will give me time to prepare, not only by packing, but by also coming to peace with many situations and people. I’m also getting the chance to overcome fear of what others think, as I reveal the plans to others. Some have expressed disapproval openly, and that’s okay.

One day in February I learned that Daniel Suelo is inviting others to join a moneyless tribe. Through being a part of this group, we may learn permaculture for free, which is something I have been conversing about with friends for awhile now. And that off-the-grid experience I had been looking into may happen as well, as we all plan to stay at a few of those places. We'll see what happens. I’m excited to watch how everything unfolds.

So for now I wait with anticipation (and with as much patience as I can) of all that is to come.